Viacom Nickelodeon consumer products president Pam Kaufman will be in conversation with License Global content director Amanda Cioletti during the opening day keynote at this year’s Brand Licensing Europe, (BLE), which takes place at London’s Olympia from October 9-11.

Pam will be sharing her insights into the changing retail landscape, why the newly formed, globally aligned VNCP positions the organisation for success, and where consumer products fits into Viacom’s larger strategy.
“Brand Licensing Europe is one of the industry’s premiere events, and I am honoured to be part of this year’s programme,” commented Pam. “2018 was a pivotal year in retail and also a year of big changes at Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products, as we became one globally unified team earlier this year.”
Continued Pam: “At VNCP, we have been meeting the changing retail landscape head on, reinventing everything from the content and products we make, to how we market and to whom.”
The full BLE seminar programme can be viewed online at It features 50 licensing experts delivering 30 sessions across the Brands & Lifestyle Theatre and Licensing Academy.
The programme includes the latest innovations in food and beverage licensing as well as gaming, heritage, pre-school and fashion.
Visitors can register for a free pass at
Top: Doing business as last year’s BLE.